I come from a family of professional educators. Growing up, seeing all the struggles my parents went through as teachers in the public school system, I never had the interest in following that career path. My twin sister went to college and became an educator (7th grade, are you crazy?!?!), my older brother went to college and was a high school advanced level math teacher for many years (calculus what?!), but I wanted nothing to do with it. So. Much. Stress…from the students, their parents, their coworkers and administration. The mental and emotional exhaustion I could see and feel permeating from my parents pores, living that struggle on a daily basis… -So. Not. For. Me.- Give me soft music; give me soul; give me individualized, personal, deep connections; give me an olfactory experience (essential oils anyone?); give me the pulsating rhythms of the human energy field, or a drum beat. This is life. This is my happy place, my sanctuary, my home.

Ironically, my journey has lead me down a lifelong path of learning. Traditional education may be long over for me, but I never learned what I yearned for in public school. So now as an adult, I immerse myself in all the studies that call to me and peak my interest. Why? Because I’m being called to teach…Ah, the Universe has such a sense of humor! But what is my message? I don’t yet know!! That’s half the fun in this guessing game we call Life.

So you’ve read this far…I commend you and officially welcome you to my blog! You’re reading this now because I was asked to birth a project when I was in the midst of my Priestess training last year. This is what I felt Spirit call me to do, and I don’t yet know why—something tells me I’ll eventually figure it out. At the time, fear had it’s cold, icy grip on me and I couldn’t move the project forward. Instead, I took the year to rebirth and connect deeper within myself. Let’s be real though, when we involve our consciousness, we are often in a state of rebirth, right? One thing I have learned to trust is that inner voice coaxing me on to do more, be more, live more, AND step out of my comfort zone. So here I am, showing up the only way I know how. Real, authentic, raw. Vulnerably sharing words on a seemingly meaningless entry. I don’t quite know the purpose of this blog site yet, but I can promise you one thing, that it will be filled with the magnificent musings of my soul.

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