This Saturday 5/18/19 the full moon occurs in Scorpio. It’s not just any full moon either—its a Blue Flower Moon.

The Flower moon (named by Native American tribes living on the East Coast of North America) is typically the first full moon in May, honoring the way the Earth reawakens after a long winter. The Blue Moon occurs when there are four full moons in one season. In this case, that means four full moons between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. The third of these moons, is the called the Blue Moon. Blue moons are fairly rare, you may have heard the term “once in a blue moon”!

Full moons are known for causing strange feelings and behavior, and the Scorpio full moon is no different. Scorpio is a water sign, so you may be feeling some intense emotions at this time—but have no fear. If we can learn to embrace the full moon energy as a blessing instead of a curse, you may be graced with the opportunity to learn something about yourself or your situation. A full moon is a unique energetic time, and we often find ourselves more in touch with our intuition. Use it!

Now let’s get to the ritual! Some of our focuses for the Scorpio full moon will be: our relationship to money, possessions, control, and how those things may be undermining our deepest desires. While Scorpio is what drew me to write this post, this ritual can be applied to a full moon in any astrological sign. All full moons challenge us to release what no longer serves us, and this ritual is meant to reflect that energy. As the full moon comes around we must stop to consider both our desires and our fears or tendencies that get in the way of them.

Full Moon Ritual

Set your space.
Light yourself some candles, surround yourself with any crystals you have or items you consider to be powerful or meaningful. If you have white sage or palo santo on hand you can smudge your space.

2. Gather supplies.

Find yourself a pen, paper, matches or a lighter, and a fire safe container of some kind—a metal, cast-iron, or most ceramic pot/bowls would suffice.

3. Get grounded.

Take some cleansing breaths, and allow yourself to succumb to the powerful energy of the full moon. This might sound a little “woo woo” and out of your comfort zone, but consider the way that many other things in our surroundings effect us, for example: feeling calm by the ocean, feeling joyful in the sunshine, peaceful underneath a tree..and just go with it!

4. Journaling.

Begin free-writing about the things you would like to enjoy in this lifetime. It can be a list, a paragraph, or a whole page if you’d like. What are the things that feed your soul but always seem to be out of reach? What are you seeking to make this precious life one worth living? What would you like to manifest into existence?

Now free write about all of the things that are in your way. Don’t overthink it! The full moon brings us closer to our intuition and you have all of the answers within you. What behaviors or tendencies do you have that keep you from getting everything that you want? What are you holding onto that doesn’t serve a purpose anymore?

5. Let go.

Now its time to release what you don’t need anymore to the universe. Using your matches or a lighter and your fire safe container, fold up your paper and wish it well. Thank the items on the paper for serving your consciousness. Burn it in your firesafe container and watch the flames go out.

6. Manifest.

Then, using your list of manifestations you will do the same—but spend a moment holding your paper to ensure the intention of this burning is different. Thank the moon for its powerful energy and for the opportunity to manifest your greatest desires. Send the paper into the flames envisioning yourself as the person who has all of their wants and needs met.

**if you are unable to burn your papers or don’t desire to, you could rip them, or douse them in water. The idea is to choose a ritual that works for you—the most important part is how you feel while you are completing it.

7. Closing.

When you are done, express gratitude both to your guides and to yourself for taking this time.

Remember that just going through the motions of a moon ritual isn’t what puts your plans in motion—but the intention and care you put into it.

Peace and blessings,


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