St. Patrick’s Day calls for eating & drinking something green!! I love a green smoothie. This is my personal favorite that I make for myself all the time.Sometimes it seems impossible to get all the nutrition I need in a day, so this is my solution.  It’s also my go to when I need an extra healthy boost to my diet.  Even though this is a “green smoothie” its tastes fruity, just like its name! (And I hope you all get the movie reference 😉 )

Here’s why its so good for you:

Kale contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamins C, B-6, and K, as well as iron 

Pineapple is loaded with vitamin C.  One cup contains over 130% of your daily requirement. Pineapple also contains thiamin, riboflavin,vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, manganese, potassium, beta-carotene, and other antioxidants. Fresh pineapple is the only known source of an enzyme called bromelain which may lower inflammation. 

Bananas, rich in potassium and magnesium, are very heart healthy.  They are also awesome for the gut because they are great sources of prebiotics & probiotics. Bananas are vitamin, mineral and antioxidant rich.  Add vitamins C & B-6, manganese, fiber and copper to their list of awesomeness.

Ginger contains the bioactive compound Gingerol that has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and is very effective at lowering the risk of infections as well as inhibiting bacterial growth.

Walnuts (walnut milk) are high in antioxidants vitamin E, melatonin and plant compounds called polyphenols. Let’s not forget about all the Omega-3 fat they are packed with.

In other words, this smoothie is jammed with vitamins, minerals, its gut-healthy and anti-inflammatory!!

Sometimes I use fresh Kale, Bananas, pineapple and ginger.  Sometimes I use frozen or a combo of both.  I like to peel, chop and freeze my fresh ginger.  Ginger usually goes bad before I can use it all.  Freezing it prevents waste.
I don’t measure, i just eyeball it.  Feel free to adjust the amounts to your own personal palate.

I rarely use sweetener in this smoothie.  Both the pineapple and bananas add plenty of sweetness naturally, but feel free to add some maple syrup or honey if you want.

Also if your smoothie is too sweet, which has happened to me on occasion from using super overripe bananas, adding some lemon can balance it out.

I also like to add some collagen powder to my smoothies, which is totally optional of course.

If you’re making this smoothie with all fresh ingredients, you may want to add some ice to chill it. If you’re using all frozen be prepared to add more liquid to keep things blending.


1 Cup chopped Kale (or Spinach)

1 Cup Pineapple

1 to 2 Bananas (depending on their size)

1 teaspoon or knob of fresh peeled ginger

1 cup Walnut milk (Elmhurst is my choice brand, but feel free to use milk or nutmilk of your choosing)

Optional Additions:

Sweetener of choice (I recommend maple syrup or honey)

lemon or lemon juice (for flavor balance if too sweet)


Collagen or Protein powder

Makes about 2 servings

I like to add my liquid and fresh ingredients in to the blender first and blend them.  Then add my frozen ingredients. 

If using all frozen you may need to add more liquid either milk of choice or just water.


Add Straw.


🙂 Lauren

Nutritional information sourced from WebMd and Healthline

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